iMovie Software Update: Version 8.0.1

Apple has updated iMovie '09, and true to form, they are gushing with details about the update:
This update improves overall application stability as well as addressing minor issues related to usability.
For those who are still curious, here are some of the more notable changes:
  1. As you may have noticed in the screen shot, you can now easily export to 720p HD. It works for the Media Browser, the regular Export option, and even YouTube! (This last option became a really big deal when YouTube started supporting HD.)
  2. Related to this, Apple has fixed the interlacing export issue plaguing 1080i footage. It now de-interlaces properly.
  3. You can enter decimal coordinates directly into a travel map, giving a custom name. This replaces the need to create a custom entry in the WorldLocations.txt file. (Step-by-step post coming tomorrow.)
Of course, if you've noticed other changes please take a moment to tell us all about them in the comments.


Unknown said...

A minor but helpful addition: Edit > Split Clip now has a keyboard shortcut (Command-Shift-S).

Aaron said...

Thanks, Jeff! I still need to get a link post up for your great blog and book.

Unknown said...

It's great that you can now enter your own coordinates, pity they haven't gone as far as grabbing those coordinates from Google Earth though. I made a little app to do that if you're interested. First you find the place you want to use in Google Earth, then open iMovieLocationEditor and type in the name of the place and press a button to copy the coordinates. Then one more button copies it into iMovie for you. Easy as pie!

Unknown said...

I wrote up an article about the 8.0.1 changes for TidBITS, and just updated it with some new information:

iMovie '09 8.0.1 Update Brings More than Just Bug Fixes

Quoting the new stuff:

"But there's an interesting side note to exporting interlaced footage. If you export at 1920 x 1080 to AIC (Apple Intermediate Codec) or Apple ProRes format, and you haven't performed any operations which scale, crop, or otherwise change the size or speed of any of your clips, then interlaced 1920 x 1080 footage is passed through unchanged."


"Transitions in Split Clips -- If you split a clip and then put a transition at the split, the two halves of the clip now overlap each other (maintaining overall duration). This allows you to, for example, add a video effect to one portion of a clip and use a cross dissolve to fade the effect in or out."