Link: Typical Mac User Podcast on Video Tips

Just wanted to point everyone to a great podcast episode on basic video tips. It's full of great advice on shooting and editing video (in iMovie) to keep things clean and interesting. (Neat idea: edit to a song so your movie has a good tempo, then just remove the song.) They discuss especially great advice on getting good sound in your shots. Listen to it here:

Typical Mac User Podcast #171: John Flowers Talks IMovie09, And Video Taking Tips

And in case Victor and John read this, thanks for the very kind mention! (Also, you *can* edit to the beat then remove the song. Just get your Snap to Beats project how you like it then delete the background track. The edits stay in place.)


Victor said...

Aaron, it's Victor from Typical Mac User, you are welcome for the well deserved mention.

Thanks for the tip on stripping audio. I'd love to have you do a monthly 5 to 10 minute audio tip on iMovie, contact me if you are interested. Great job here as well.


Aaron said...

I'd love to do the monthly tip, Victor. That sounds like a lot of fun. I'll be in touch. :)