Made with iMovie for iPhone: Apple of My Eye

This is really impressive. Michael Koerbel and team shot and edited this entire film on his iPhone 4 using iMovie for iPhone. Even more impressive? He did it all in less than 48 hours. The behind-the-scenes footage at the end is fascinating. Check it out:

"Apple of My Eye" - an iPhone 4 film - UPDATE: Behind the scenes footage included from Michael Koerbel on Vimeo.


Aquarius757 said...
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Aquarius757 said...
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Aquarius757 said...

My apologies. I thought you were pulling our leg by actually moving this video to a MacBook or something to get the recorded audio to play with your soundtrack. However, now I see the option in each track to turn audio on...

Great movie by the way. I look forward to seeing more.

Bryann not a girl said...
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Anonymous said...

That was very cool!! Thanks for sharing this fun movie & behind the scenes.

PS. I'm sorry about the loss of your dad. Brought tears to my eyes.